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A-1 Studio: Triathlon Training Facility

There are two main concepts that were derived from my research of a tri-athlete. First, was driven from an analysis of the form and space the athlete takes in each of the events: swimming, biking, and running. By connecting the feet and hands with abstract linear geometry, I created a developable plane that is twisted as the body moves. From these developable planes, I created volumetric spaces that envelope the shell of my design. Second, was driven from the analysis of the triathlon as a whole. How each of these three exercises is “layered” on top of each other creating overlap and intermediate areas, but are all essentially part of a whole.


A third concept was added to guide the experience of the subject. Creating enclosures that are not entirely closed off gives the subject a hint they are experiencing the interior, while never actually stepping through a specified door. Whether the subject is inside the interior or outside the exterior is ambiguous. Both the subject and the design are meant to interact and influence each other.  

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