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Hancock - Final - Technical Studies 36x46.06
Hancock - Final - 24x36 017.03
Hancock - Final - 24x36 017.02
Hancock - Final - 24x36 017.01

C-2 Studio: Degrees of Separation

Boundaries, borders, limits, barriers, thresholds, edges: all define space and ultimately control how we experience and move through it. The dense metropolis is rife with boundaries which define territories, based on an instinctual human desire to cling to whatever space we can. Walls and other vertical barriers create the most overt and tangible boundaries, but often overlooked are the subtlely implied boundaries which not only affect one’s navigation in a space, but can do so without revealing the conceit. These implied boundaries exist at all scales: urban to suburban, neighborhood to neighborhood, building to street, even person to person. Whether imposed by the architect, enforced by the city, or created by the city dweller himself, the boundary is in abundance and just beneath the surface is the underlying motive: control. 


It is through these spatial devices, both overt and implied, where this studio investigated these conditions at every scale -- probing for both the positive/negative and necessary/superfluous aspects of the boundary and from our findings engage in the discourse through architectural interventions which create, blur, overlap, and the boundaries in the city. 

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